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Finding Inner Peace

Inner peace—we all yearn for it. But what is it exactly? We can spend a lifetime chasing after it yet, once we do find it, it seems to disappear in an instant. Like a sunset, it’s fleeting and intangible. Here one moment. Gone the next.

What is Peace?

We’re constantly told that peace exists within us all the time. The Bible and A Course in Miracles remind us that peace and joy are at the core of our true nature. It’s not difficult to access, we’re told, if we simply remember that peace comes from within—not without.

Woman in white compressedIf inner peace doesn’t depend on external circumstances or the acquisition of material possessions at all, why do we invest so much time and effort expecting others to do for us what only we can do for ourselves? Even more confusing is why do so many feel the need to turn to drugs and alcohol in their quest for inner peace when simple introspection would achieve the same results?

When we’re at peace, everything happens around us, not to us. Inner peace is a gem we constantly seem to have to rediscover. It’s always with us and tends to show up in ways that cannot be measured exactly. As a result, it takes some time to understand it before we can recognize it or know what to look for.

Recognizable Signs

When we’re at peace, we know it. It radiates from within us and expresses itself in our daily lives. Others see it in us. Like moths to light, they are drawn to us because they hope to experience it, too—even if only by osmosis. It’s that powerful.

The truth is we can access inner peace at any time, be it through yoga, meditation, prayer, song, dance, nature, poetry or a good book, to name just a few. But how do we know if our practices are working for us? How do we know when we’re connected to the power of inner peace?

Luckily, there are some recognizable signs:

  • We have an unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment—effortlessly and unapologetically.
  • We tend to let things happen rather than make them happen.
  • We have no interest in judging or interpreting the actions of others.
  • We have no interest in conflict.
  • We act or think spontaneously rather than react with fear based on past experiences.
  • We lose the ability to worry.
  • We experience frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation accompanied by attacks of smiling and heartfelt laughter.
  • We have an overall feeling of contentment. • We feel connected to others and nature.

When do you feel most connected to your own peaceful nature? The secret to inner peace is to put yourself in those situations more often.

The Journey Within: Inner Peace
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